Benjamin Jean


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Known for all his work on Open Source and Open Data, Benjamin is currently CEO of inno³, an open innovation consulting firm focused on IP’s value and collaborative and open project management. Indeed, besides his full-time job at inno3, he teaches Intellectual Property law at several universities, he is Master conferences at Science Po, works as a consultant at Gilles Vercken Law firm, and regularly intervenes as an expert at several related events and conferences.

Webinar 1 "Free software acquisition by public administration"

Benjamin was a speaker at the first webinar of EOLE 2020 and talked about "Free software acquisition by public administration : What does Open source change ?"

The slides used for his presentation are available here under CC BY-SA 4.0

Webinar 5 "Open source tools for public administration"

Benjamin will be the moderator of the fifth and last webinar of this edition on march 17