Italo Vignoli


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Italo Vignoli is a founding member of The Document Foundation, the Chairman Emeritus of Associazione LibreItalia, an Open Source Initiative (OSI) board member, and co-chair of the ODF Advocacy OASIS Open Project. He co-leads LibreOffice marketing, PR and media relations, co-chairs the certification program, and is a spokesman for the project. He has contributed to large migration projects to LibreOffice in Italy, and is a LibreOffice certified migrator and trainer. From 2004 to 2010 he has been involved in the OOo project.

Free software acquisition by public administration

Italo Vignoli was a speaker at the first webinar of EOLE 2020 and presented the "Guidelines for SW Procurement and Reuse by Italian PAs (2019)".

The slides used are available here under CC BY-SA 4.0