Barbara Gagliardi
Barbara Gagliardi, PhD, is Associate Professor in Administrative Law at the University of Turin; she was Visiting Scholar at the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politique (September 2008 – January 2009) and at the Center for Studies in Higher Education (2019) at the University of California, Berkeley. She has presented conference papers in several conferences in Italy and abroad (California, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Spain) and has taught university modules on public contracts law, public utilities, civil service law, health law and local authorities’ autonomy. She is member of the editorial board of the leading Italian review on administrative law Diritto amministrativo (Giuffrè), IUS PUBLICUM (www.ius-publicum.com) and Actualité juridique – Fonctions Publiques (AJFP, Dalloz). She has been participating in several research projects mainly regarding public utilities, local authorities, public procurement law and civil servants’ law.
Her research interests lie in the area of public and administrative law, public procurement, public utilities, healthcare systems, civil service law, and higher education law. She authored three books and more than 70 book chapters, papers, reviews and commentaries on Academic Freedom and Higher Education Law, Civil Service and Freedom of Circulation for EU Citizens’, Local Bodies, Public Utilities.