Free licences compatibility tool

This talk has been presented by Marco CIURCINA, during the 2018 edition with the thematic “Compliance & conformance processes in the time of mainstream Open Source”.

Free licences compatibility tool

An increasing number of services available on the web provide tools (forms, wizards, etc.) that embed legal knowledge and make easier to use such legal knowledge. But it’s difficult to look inside these tools and check the quality of the legal knowledge embedded in them. Lawyers working close to free software communities are getting used to hosting services for version control and to use them for drafting documents. The presentation explains a “free licences compatibility” tool available under AGPLv3 license. This tools is designed using a software tool available under AGPLv3 license that allows to make knowledge artifacts including Q&A, filters and outputs.The tool can be used on the web as a wizard but is also saved on a hosting service for version control. This allows to check the logic of the tool and allows to collaborate in the design of the tool.

About Marco CIURCINA :


Marco is an Italian lawyer, working in the field of commercial and contractual law, Information Technology law, Copyright, Patent, Trademark, and Privacy law, particularly, with special focus on free software licenses, open content and open data. He teaches “Law and ethics of communication” at the Politecnico di Torino, Faculty of Information Science. Free software and digital freedoms activist.