
  • Arnau Monterde

    Arnau Monterde

    Arnau Monterde Arnau Monterde is the Director of Democratic Innovation at the Barcelona City Council. He is one of the cofounders of Decidim project. He has also promoted the Ateneu of Democratic Innovation in Barcelona, a Laboratory for research and action on democracy and technology. He studies emerging forms of political participation and democracy in…

  • Leonardo Favario

    Leonardo Favario

    Leonardo Favario Leonardo is the Open Source Project Leader of the Department for the Digital Transformation at the Italian Government. He is responsible for the open source strategy which involves Developers Italia, the publiccode.yml specification, the new National guidelines and the catalogue of open source software created by public administrations and available for reuse. Leonardo,…

  • Vivien Devenyi & Clare O’Donohoe

    Vivien Devenyi & Clare O’Donohoe

    Vivien Devenyi & Clare O’Donohoe Vivien Devenyi and Clare O’Donohoe are two members of the OSOR team who worked on the publication of the open source software country intelligence reports and the status report on open source software policies. The Open Source Observatory (OSOR) is an online platform where the open source community can come…

  • Marc Pérez-Batlle

    Marc Pérez-Batlle

    Marc Pérez-Batlle Marc Pérez Batlle is head of technological innovation projects at Barcelona City Council. He is responsible for integrating new technologies and innovative techniques into public services. He started working at Barcelona City Council in 2017, in the office of the Commissioner for Technology and Digital Innovation. He has actively participated both in the…

  • Barbara Gagliardi

    Barbara Gagliardi

    Barbara Gagliardi Barbara Gagliardi, PhD, is Associate Professor in Administrative Law at the University of Turin; she was Visiting Scholar at the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politique (September 2008 – January 2009) and at the Center for Studies in Higher Education (2019) at the University of California, Berkeley. She has presented conference papers in several conferences…

  • Andrew Katz

    Andrew Katz

    Andrew Katz Andrew Katz is Managing Partner and head of Technology Law of Moorcrofts LLP and is CEO of Orcro Limited, a compliance business specialising in risk management around software supply chain management, with particular emphasis on open source software. Formerly a software developer, Andrew qualified as a barrister in 1990 and subsequently requalified as…

  • Finn Lewis

    Finn Lewis

    Finn Lewis Finn is an enthusiastic and experienced web developer, technical project manager and Scrum Master. He brings an immense love of all things Drupal, open source and co-operative to all he does. He graduated from Manchester with a degree in AstroPhysics. He’s worked in the web industry for nigh on 20 years, and with…

  • Camille Moulin

    Camille Moulin

    Camille Moulin Deeply involved in digital sovereignty issues, Camille works mainly with major groups and local authorities to help them adopt Open Source. Talks

  • Olivier Raynaud

    Olivier Raynaud

    Olivier Raynaud Olivier Raynaud has been a French lawyer with the Marseille Bar Association since 2007, and an avocat au Conseil since 2017. Since 2018, he has been a founding partner of 45 Avocats, a multidisciplinary law firm. Talks