Vivien Devenyi & Clare O’Donohoe
Vivien Devenyi and Clare O’Donohoe are two members of the OSOR team who worked on the publication of the open source software country intelligence reports and the status report on open source software policies.
The Open Source Observatory (OSOR) is an online platform where the open source community can come together to publish news, find out about events, explore relevant open source software solutions and read about the use of free and open source software in public administrations across and beyond Europe. OSOR also engages with the community through its own events, workshops and webinars and other open source communities. In the Knowledge Centre, OSOR also publishes in-depth studies about the development of open source software throughout the European Union and beyond such as the Status report on open source software policies in the European Union and the Guidelines for sustainable open source communities in the public sector.